
Showing posts from October, 2017

Model practice

After adding final touches to my latest screw model I decided to try out something more difficult. I'm a big fan of RWBY by RoosterTeeth Productions, so I decided to try and model some of the weapons from the show.  I'm currently looking at Weiss Schnee's rapier, Myrtenaster.

Screw Upate 26/10/17

My most recent update to my screw model has a tapered end, done using a lattice deformer.

Newest Updated Screw Attempt


The Three Rules to Spark Learning

First Curiosity. This drives people to ask questions. Does everything work? If not what? Why? Second Trial and Error. "If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try again." William Edward Hickson Third Reflection. Self-evaluation is vital to projects, we have to know how to self-critique. If teachers embraced humanity's basic need for curiosity they could bring a little more meaning and imagination to their students.

What Motivates Me

I am motivated by enjoyment, spite and my want to please others. I want to do well and to do that I know I have to put in the work. In the past I've struggled hugely with organisation and deadlines, depression and anxiety disorders making things that much harder. However, in the last few years I have worked hard to push on and find a way to manage my brain as well as get my work done. If I genuinely enjoy the work I do, I get completely swept up in it. I can be absorbed in a painting, or a game or a film for hours on end, completely immersed, with a one-goal, laser-like focus. This tends to be useful for projects but tends to put my health at risk. Spite is another of my greatest motivators. I hate when someone tells me I can't do something that I know is fully within my reach. It overrides any laziness or procrastination and immediately gets me in gear to get the job done or achieve what I set out to do. Finally, I don't like to disappoint the people that have faith in...
For my model project I wanted to make a screw. Quite simple but easily made a little more complicated. My first attempt to make a screw, with help, came out really nicely but there were parts that I felt I didn't understand or didn't know how to do. I was extremely happy with it but some of the shape on the screw head was lost on me. My next attempt came out kind of sloppy and I was confused because it didn't turn out anything near like the original. The screw head was much too long and I made a strange effect where I cut in the 'X' as it left a 'wall' that shouldn't have been there, that I also didn't know how to get rid of. My next attempt felt similar again, it still didn't look like the original and I had the same problem as I had before with the 'wall'. However, my most recent attempt resulted in the following; The head is much closer to being the correct size and proportion, I fixed the issue with the 'X' an...
How to Model a Screw in Maya 2017:
Snapping Menus Tutorial: Evaluation: Having little to no experience in Maya I really had no idea what to expect from Snapping Menus. Thankfully within my group, after a little research, figured out what we think was meant by Snapping Menus. I think in fullscreen, listening to the narration it's clear what we were trying to show.