
Showing posts from April, 2018


I'm fairly happy with the animation, I can really see my progress from the start of the year. I need to work on improving my UV texturing and modelling. I think my topology is fairly good and I'm really happy with my rigging and my Inverse Kinematics, even though my IK's aren't brilliant. I still need to figure out how to rotate them alongside the body. The animation itself I'm really happy with, I think the timing is good and matches up with the video fairly well, and even when it doesn't it still looks alright.

Harley Quinn Rig

I really struggled trying to learn and use inverse kinematics but with some help managed to set them up in my model's legs, and work enough that I could use them. I'm happy with my painting weights and feel I have really gotten the hang of it using the component editor method.  I'm also happy with my basic rig, some of the joint placement could be improved, for example the right shoulder and the neck joint.