

I'm fairly happy with the animation, I can really see my progress from the start of the year. I need to work on improving my UV texturing and modelling. I think my topology is fairly good and I'm really happy with my rigging and my Inverse Kinematics, even though my IK's aren't brilliant. I still need to figure out how to rotate them alongside the body. The animation itself I'm really happy with, I think the timing is good and matches up with the video fairly well, and even when it doesn't it still looks alright.

Harley Quinn Rig

I really struggled trying to learn and use inverse kinematics but with some help managed to set them up in my model's legs, and work enough that I could use them. I'm happy with my painting weights and feel I have really gotten the hang of it using the component editor method.  I'm also happy with my basic rig, some of the joint placement could be improved, for example the right shoulder and the neck joint.

Harley Quinn Model

I'm quite happy with the body topology of my model, the torso came out really well, and so did the arms and legs. I'm also happy with how her hat came out. The feet, hands and general face shape didn't turn out very well, the hands are very deformed and her mouth looks like it belongs on a sex doll. To improve I think I would take another look at how to model a face and research face topology, because although the eyes and nose aren't bad the mouth needs a lot of work. The feet could do with some extra detail, and the hands really need doing again from scratch. link to google drive file:

Video clips

Image How to Do a Pirouette | Ballet Dance I really like the look of the Pirouette and think it would match the style of my chosen character Harley Quinn. Although it seems relatively simple, the combined aspects of rotation and translation add to the difficulty. If I were to animate a section of this clip I would do my best to follow how the dancer in the video behaves. I'd focus on the way the body, legs and arms move, before then doing the rotation in the hips. How to Do the 5 Basic Positions | Ballet Dance I will probably not animate much from this clip but use the positions shown as reference to make the stances in my animated sequence more accurate. Having the frozen positions to study will make it much easier to notice inaccuracies. How to perform a simple ballet sequence I like the movement in the arms and legs in this vi...

Chosen Character

The character I have chosen to model and animate is Harley Quinn in her classic style costume.  I chose this particular character as she is relatively simple, she has almost no baggy pieces of clothing and she is quite and lithe character. It was also easy to find lots of different and varying references for her character.

Texturing Coral

I had a lot of difficulty with texturing Coral. When creating UVs for him the textures would never quite fit, and would warp and stretch over certain areas. I managed to fix this by selecting the warped and stretched faces and putting them into new planar maps based on another axis. I then moved and scaled them until the texture fit to my liking. I used lamberts for the nose and body textures and a blinn for the eyes. I also came across the issue that when I used playback the textures would shift and move as it played. I managed to fix this by just deleting non-deformer history. I'm quite happy with my texturing, this was my first time texturing a model but I managed to figure it out, it isn't quite right and in the future I think I'll spend more time making sure the blend between faces is smooth.

Final Render of Coral the Bear

This is my final render of my animation of Coral the Bear.